ONE Quilt • ONE Month • ONE Camera • ONE Shot

I haven't been able to talk about this project for the last few months since it was a surprise present for my friend's birthday. But now that she's received it, I can spill the beans about what was going on in the studio back in November 2022. The quilt pattern, "Island Chain" was the inspiration for this very quick 2 minute production. The whole motivation for this quilt/lapse video was to try out an idea I had on the back burner for a while. I would attach a 360º camera to the end of a selfie stick and mount that to a motion control track. The trick this time around was to mount the whole rig onto the ceiling and hang it . . . upside down. This would allow me to move the camera horizontally, on an 8-foot path, up and down two times, over a 30 day period. I now could shoot time lapse for a whole month and focus all my concentration on making the quilt, without the camera being directly in my way while sewing. And it worked!

The concept was to complete a quilt in a month while shooting one shot every second for the whole production. In reality, it's 35 separate 'shoots' recorded over 30 days, edited together to achieve this effect. The 360º camera lets me choose where to 'point the camera' (POV) wherever I want in post production (editing).

(*Cyndi Lauper watches from the sidelines)

Gilda even makes an appearance during the 'binding sequence' at the end.
This lil' 360º camera presents all sorts of creative possiblities for future projects, many of which will be explored in the next production, "Prism Break".
And finally, here 'tis . . . Got a minute?