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The Quilts


“Into the Woods”

The joy is in the journey



My original name and concept behind this quilt was to "Just Watch".  Not only is it an ambitious quilt (a modified version of "Moon Prism Power Make Up"), but it was an even more ambitious quilt/lapse production  . . . until the world-wide pandemic of 2020 change my plans. 


What was once an elaborate production shot all over Port Townsend, WA . . . . was now a solo project shat in and around the woods of my own backyard.  I initially thought it would be a 'quick shoot' that would take me all Spring and Summer.  


But 110 locations, 192 shots, 2,670 pieces of fabric and 3 1/2 YEARS LATER, this production of "Into the Woods" turned out to be my most ambitious and elaborate quilt/lapse video yet!  It's also a big departure from my usual fast-paced, frenetic fever dreams from the past.  I slow it down into one of my most calm, serene and prettiest quilting adventures yet.


The first 10 minutes follows the creative process of how this complex quilt comes together in the woods.  Then it is followed by a 2 minute 'epilogue' to celebrate my 40 years of quilting.


"Into the Woods", the quilt,  found its final resting place on my own bed.  It's the very first quilt I made specifically for myself since I began quilting in 1983.  It's VERY heavy, a lot like sleeping under a weighted blanket.   I'm happy it's here.  I'm even happier that this project is over and I can move onto the next quilt/lapse adventure!









. . . . . full spectrum magic happens!



    I had the awesome experience to collaborte with Jaftex and Studio E Fabrics, to promote their "SNIPPETS (Pearlescent)"; line of gloriously bright, saturated full spectrum colored fabric!

    I chose to make a quilt based on a couple of images I found on the internet, combined them in Photoshop . . . . and sort of just 'winged' it from there. It's very easy construction, strips and appliquéd circles. While this whole project took roughly 3 months to complete (quilt and video), you can depend that it will only take me 2 minutes to tell you all about it.






      A few years ago, my friend Sherie (owner of my local quilt shop), showed me a quilt pattern called "Island Chain", in a book titled "Scrap-Basket Sensations", by Kim Brackett.  She said she LOVED the pattern, but it was too complicated for her to make . . . . so I secretly stashed it away for later, knowing that someday I'd make this quilt for her birthday.  

      Flash forward to the Fall of 2022 when I have some free time for a Winter project, just in time for Sherie's birthday in February!  I used a couple of packages of precut fabrics from Northcott, called "Shimmer".  And always searching for a gimmick to tell my next quilt/lapse story, I chose to focus the whole production around the number ONE.


The Challenge?

One Quilt

  One Month

    One Camera

One Shot


(*the real challenge was to keep this all a secret from Sherie for the next couple of  months while I completed this whole project!)

SPECTRUM front.jpg



       I'll admit it . . . raw edge appliqué never really has been my thing.

      But when I stumbled upon "Hover Quilting", a variation of the technique that lent itself perfectly to a bold, graphic design, like the "Drunkard's Path", I had to take a 2nd look.  And I'm so happy I did!

      I completed this quilt during the Winter & Spring of 2022.  The black & white fabric was given to me for my birthday by all my friends and family, while all 12 hues of the color fabric was from one single line called "PrismaChrome", that I purchased a year or so ago . . . just waiting for the perfect project.

      This quilt, and whole quilt/lapse project that it's involved in was a BLAST to make!  The end result was much more spectacular than I anticipated.  Very tactile and comfortably fuzzy with the Minky backing.  I see myself roaming around from room to room in this house in the Wintertime, wrapped in this quilt.  It has instantly become a fixture in this household.  It has become one of my all-time favorites!

      You'll find this quilt featured (along with it's 'partner', "Kaboom!") in the head-spinning split screen quilt making challenge video, "QUILLOW TALK". 





KABOOM front.jpg



      "It looks dangerous.  It's looks like an explosion!"

                                                                            ~ Bill DuBay


      When I showed this quilt to my Uncle, this was his exclamation . . . . and the final name was settled for this 2nd One Block Wonder constructed during the Spring and early Summer of 2021. 

      The exciting beauty of a OBW quilt is that you can give 100 people the same piece of fabric . . . . and you'll get 100 different quilts!  It's a highly improvisational and personal quilting technique/process that I'll never tire of (my first was "THE COMPLICATED QUEEN").  I find that I never look at fabric the same way again, anymore, always 'auditioning' it for the next OBW!

      This particular piece was constructed from one panel of fabric (repeated 6 times) titled "Steampunk Halloween", by QT Fabrics.  It was the first time I ever attempted a Super Spiral quilting pattern, and I love this whole dimension it added to all those squares and hexagons. 

        I'm keeping this one!

        This quilt can be seen, with it's 'partner', "Spectrum" in the Rock & Doris inspired quilt/lapse production, "QUILLOW TALK".





“She's' Having a Baby”


      29 years ago, I made a colorful quilt for the arrival of my new baby niece, Angela.  And now . . . . she's having a baby!

     This very swift & sweet quilt/lapse production is the most intimate and personal production to date.  Created at our kitchen table, this little 'Puff/Bubble/Biscuit' baby quilt comes together in just 3 minutes.   Just in time for Baby George.









“The Complicated Queen”

It wasn't supposed to be a big deal.


My sister-in-law Sherry, is my biggest supporter in my quilt making!  Over the years she's been very generous with her praise and gifts to encourage me to move forward.  So, it was only appropriate (and about time, jeeeesh), to finally make a quilt for her.


It was only going to be a a simple lap quilt that she could curl up with on the couch at night.  Something I would quickly whip together this Winter.  I wasn't even going to make a video production out of it.


I had been wanting to try out a quilting process/technique called "One Block Wonder", where you take one ONE PIECE of fabric, cut it up into hundreds of triangles to make hexagons, then place the blocks into a pleasing layout.


Well, it didn't take long for me to make this project whole lot more complex and involved . . . and much larger, tuning the once small lap quilt into a full fledged queen sized quilt!  Hence, the name . . .


And I did make a quilt/lapse video of it's construction!  Just click on the quilt above to watch it.










“Moon Prism Power Make Up”


It's the transformative battle cry of the Japanese anime character, Sailor Moon.



And the inspiration for quilt #19. 


A variation on the quilting pattern "Pinwheel Surprise", by Jaded Spade Creations, this quilt (and quilt/lapse production) had me 'break out of the box' and expand on what I thought this quilt (and video) was going to be when I started it on the first day of Spring 2019.

This year's project was a very communal one, all about the birth of a quilt and the quilting community behind it.


It begins with 4 quilt stores around the Olympic Peninsula, WA (and one in NW Oregon) that I have come to know . . . . .  and ends with a very talented, giving, supportive group of quilters I profusely admire, respect and trust (with a special guest).


This video challenged me to think and act much differently than previous productions.  And is shows in the 'third act' (the quilting).  With the help of a little portable generator, I was able to take my quilting . . . well, anywhere!  It's opened the door for all my future story telling and productions. 


"Just the facts, Ma'am"


  • 2,014 pieces of fabric  (5X the amount than a regular quilt because of all the fabric folding, resulting in a very heavy quilt)

  • 6 different colors of glittery Mylar based 'holographic' thread

  • 32 fabric covered buttons

  • 8 months to complete (the longest I've ever worked on a quilt and quilt/lapse video)

  • 39 locatons

  • 17+ hours of recorded time lapse footage

  • Edited down to 12.5 minutes (half the length of my 1st quilt/lapse)

  • 556 individual shots

  • 1st time I use credits at the end (this wasn't a solo project this time around!)

  • This quilt and production was a 'test' . . . for next year's BIG idea!



"SANTA FE DAYDREAMS" quilt by Todd DuBay.  Based on the 'Zia' quilt design by Kathy Tolbert.

     “Santa Fe Daydreams”


This is the 18th quilt under my belt!


This quilt was inspired by a romp around the Southwest in the Spring of 2018 to thaw out from our Northwest winter and to collect fabric along the way. It was also a souvenir/anniversary quilt for my husband Tom and I.  The design was based on Kathy Tolbert's wonderful "Zia Quilt" pattern.  This was my take on her creation with different colors, color placement, and a radically different border (a last minute design change since my original fabric and pattern choice almost made me barf when I put them side by side).


This quilt had a few 'firsts' for me: Foundation piecing, using paper patterns to assist in ultra precision (my new love), a sewing technique on the border (that universally seems to be people's favorite/most memorable part of the quilt) and some of the most extensive, free motion quilting I've ever committed to a quilt!


The Qulitiest Quilt of them ALL!


It took about 2 weeks to cut and piece the the body and border, then I spent about 6 weeks out on our deck quilting amongst the blooming flowers (until the last 5 days, when smoke from Northwest and California wildfires forced me indoors). And then another 2 more weeks to edit this video from 7 and a half hours of time lapse footage down to 17 minutes. Some new time lapse equipment and tricks help things 'swoooooop" right along this time around.


As usual . . . . don't blink! You may miss something



The three pieces of music used in this video are:


"Brejeiro" by Trio Brasileiro

"Penguins" from Cirque du Solei

"Star Guitar" by The Chemical Brothers

"DREAM WEAVER" quilt by Todd DuBay. Made of 150 different fabrics and lots of black velvet.  "Woven Ribbons" pattern by Jinny Beyers Studio.

    “Dream Weaver”

The quilt that started it all!

It was the inspiration and motivation for

"Quilting in the Fast Lane"



This is my fourth quilt completed in 2017.


It's a quilt of many first for me.

1st purchased pattern

1st time using a 'charm pack' of pre-selected fabrics

1st time using A LOT of black velvet

And 1st time producing a time lapse quilt making video



Dream Weaver by the Numbers:


The pattern is “Woven Ribbons” from Jinny Beyer Studios

1,080 pieces

150 different colors of cotton fabric

Black velvet from Mom’s old clothes

 76 days to complete

250+ hours of cutting, piecing, sewing and quilting

Miles of black, invisible and colorful, shiny, metallic thread

I shot 6 hours and 37 minutes of time lapse footage

That breaks down to 32,661 individual photographs

Final edit is 24 minutes


The music is by:


Philip Glass from the movie soundtrack, “Powaqqatsi”

Song list: “New Cities in Ancient Lands, India”

“Serra Pelada”


“New Cities in Ancient Lands"


And, of course . . . “Dream Weaver” by Gary Wright

©2024Quilting in the Fast Lane, All rights reserved .                                                    

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