I wish

It's official . . . . as of November 8th, 2023, Quilting in the Fast Lane's 10th quilt/lapse production is FINALLY over! And I couldn't possilby be more happy to finally be able to share it with you. I've certainly been talking about this enough over the last 3 1/2 years. It's been A LOT more work than I was anticipating (this simple little solo project in the backyard). But boy, oh boy . . . . was it ever worth it!

The Summer of '23 had me out in the wilds of the Cascades and the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State, filming the grand finale, the quilting sequence.

And the shots were as gorgeous as it gets!

Wanna see it?
There are three versions of this quilting adventure. Â And they all have their own story to tell.
The original full version that shows the creation of the quilt in the woods runs 10 minutes. Hopefully there's enough 'surprises' planted here and there that will keep you hanging in there for the big reveal at the VERY end! (*I'll admit it, my favorite sequence is when the pups help me make the border). It's followed by a 2-minute ‘epilogue’ to celebrate my 40 years in quilting, before the big reveal of the finished quilt in all its glory!  So, take a few uninterrupted minutes in your day, sit back, relax and enjoy this slower, more serene and meditative journey of how to make a quilt . . . . in the woods.  I’m pretty proud of this one. Â
What’s that?  You need a quick video that just gives you the best stuff in a compact little package?  Don’t worry, I got your back with this brief 3-minute ‘Beauty Shots’ edition!  Different music, some different shots, a different feel . . . a different experience.
Want to know all the behind the scenes info?  This 3rd ‘annotated’ version will give you so much background information . . . . you may need to bring your pause button!
Thank you SO MUCH for watching!