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Writer's pictureTodd DuBay


Updated: Nov 20, 2023

INTO THE WOODS begins production.

Time to put all these lush, glorious fabrics into the quilt that they've been acquired for.

It's the first day of Summer, the gray, cloudy Spring weather has given way to perfect shooting days . . . . and the ironing, marking, cutting and time lapse recording has begun!

The first block (a prototype, really) has been completed . . . and I couldn't be more excited at the fabric and color choices. THIS is the quilt I've been waiting to make for myself!!! 14 different prints and 144 separate pieces of fabric comprise this block. I love that it has a primary and secondary design.

If it looks familiar, it is. It's a slight variation of fabric placement and a complete color overhaul from last year's quilt, "Moon Prism Power Make Up". This visual should help to make the connection (with Boo's help, of course).

There's A LOT to accomplish in the coming months. More pieces, larger quilt, later start (than usual), and plans for a spectacular ending that will be worth the wait. I promise!

Let's go . . .


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