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Writer's pictureTodd DuBay

JUST . . . WAIT!

Updated: Nov 20, 2023

A re-imagining

"JUST WATCH". It's the whole philosophy behind "Quilting in the Fast Lane". I'm not selling anything. I'm not really even teaching anything. Someone recently called it "music videos for quilters". I like that. Because I'm really only inviting you to this experience to . . . . just watch.

So, it all seemed so appropriate that this year's big quilt and big quilt/lapse production was going to be called; "JUST WATCH". A year of collecting fabric and planning with various city leaders, law enforcement, various merchants, and many people from my own little community, this year's BIG quilt/lapse production was going to be my 'love letter' to Port Townsend, WA. The plan was to shoot ALL OVER town, throughout the Spring, Summer and Fall, using PT as my backdrop. I wanted to involve hundreds, if not thousands of people in town, parks, beaches, farmer's markets, parades, the many festivals, outdoor events, etc. Everywhere people gather in large numbers . . . because that was going to create GREAT background time lapse motion!!! But I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this . . . .

The world-wide Corona virus pandemic of 2020 has changed everyone's plans, including everything I was preparing for "JUST WATCH". So, that's just going to have to be another quilt and another production for another time. Perhaps next year.

But in the meantime, I'm still BUSTING to make this quilt!!! I love this technique, I love these colors, I love the fabric that's been collected and waiting . . . . . . and I LOVE THIS QUILT! So, I'm moving ahead with my plans on completing it this year, along with a new name and a new idea for a quilt/lapse production. It came to me this morning while I was having coffee in my backyard . . .

You've seen it in a few of my last productions . . . . .


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