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Writer's pictureTodd DuBay


Updated: Nov 20, 2023

It's been a long, hot Summer. I wish I could say that I've been rolling ahead like gangbusters with the current quilt, "Into the Woods", but the truth is, I've been up on the dang roof all Summer long . . . cleaning the moss off and emptying the gutters. It's a L-O-N-G project, and it always takes weeks longer than I'm ever expecting. But it's finally done!

"Into the Woods", the current quilt/lapse production, is in full swing out in the forest(s) that surround our house and the lake we live on. And it's going even better than I expected!!

This is going to be gorgeous production. Much different than previous outings. Slower, quieter, more serene. But since I usually start these productions on the first day of Spring, and I've spent most of the season, so far, cleaning the roof and gutters . . . I'm 4 months behind on starting this. So, as a result, because of my late start and this whole production being so dependent on the weather, we may not be seeing the completion of this venture until next year sometime. My enthusiasm for shooting in the woods has been gaining momentum with each completed shot, and as usual, . . . is becoming more complicated and elaborate with each passing day.

All my productions feature a 'cameo' of the quilt I made in the production before it. I missed placing "Moon Prism Power Make Up" in my "Complicated Queen" quilt/lapse video . . . so BOTH quilts make an appearance in my opening title sequence this time around.

This shot will feature a small card showing what this current quilt will look like. If you remember, all my productions begin with, "THIS . . . is my next quilt".

So, with all my 'beauty shots' completed and under my belt for the title sequence, the actual shooting of the quilt construction officially begins. My first shots will begin here; at a giant 'birds nest' in the woods. No one seems to know when, why, or who built this nest, but it's been there ever since we moved here 15 years ago. When I was thinking about my opening shots, and the whole idea about the 'birth of a quilt' . . . . I just knew that this was going to be the location I was going to use. It's all high concept here, folks!

I just KNOW you're gonna dig this . . . .

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1 Comment

Unknown member
Aug 26, 2020

That bird’s nest is crazy! Was it built by a human? The only frame of reference I have is you standing inside of it. ( I finally took the time to make a log in into this blog)

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